Discipleship course

Join us for an online discipleship course on the Gospel of John

in collaboration with The GOLD Project (https://goldproject.org/)

Starting Thursday 4th March 2021 7:30 – 8:30pm

If you would like to join us, email: christine@moretolifeuk.org

This 40-week course is usually offered at a cost of £50 per person which includes the dispatch of a hardcopy participant’s folder containing the course notes for all 40 lessons.

As an alternative, we have negotiated with The GOLD Project to offer each set of 8 lessons at a cost of £5 per person. In this case the participant will be sent an electronic copy of the course notes for each set of 8 lessons.

The courses will be facilitated by Christine Ramshaw, a CMS-trained pioneer and care home chaplain.

For more information about The GOLD Project, go to: https://goldproject.org

For more information about DISCOVER LIFE: A Study on the Gospel of John, go to:
